St. 博纳旺蒂尔在提供高质量的研究生教育方面有着悠久而自豪的历史. Our first master's degree programs were offered in the 1920s. 从那时起, we have grown to offer a variety of graduate programs, available on our Olean campus and online.
该大学通过艺术学院提供的20个硕士学位和证书课程为750多名研究生提供服务 & 科学, School of Business, School of Education, School of Health Professions, and the Jandoli School of Communication.
Continuing your education at the graduate level is a big decision. It involves a commitment of time and resources, but research consistently shows that the investment is quite worthwhile. 美国.S. 人口普查局报告称,拥有研究生学位的人比拥有学士学位的人平均收入更高.
一个全球网赌十大网站的高级学位可以提供更大的工作保障和职业可移植性, 随着个人成长和扩大的网络,通常是研究生院的经历.